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What to Do if You Have COVID-19

What to Do if You Have COVID-19
If you test positive for COVID-19, you may spread it to others even if you do not have symptoms or you are vaccinated. It is important to separate yourself from others (isolate) and follow the recommendations below.
Separate yourself from others (isolate)
• Stay home and away from others (isolate) for at least five days after your symptoms started. If you do not have symptoms, stay home for five days after the date you got tested, even if you are fully vaccinated. Learn more below about how long you might have to stay home.
• Wear a well-fitting mask when you need to be around other people, even at home.
• Stay in a separate room from other household members, if possible.
• Use a separate bathroom, if you can.
• Take steps to make the flow of air in your home better, if possible.
• Avoid contact with other members of the household and with pets.
• If you are older, have a weakened immune system, or have certain medical conditions, let your health care provider know you have COVID-19. They may recommend treatment or have specific advice for you.
• Tell people who had close contact with you that they may have been exposed to COVID-19.
How long to stay home
People who can wear a well-fitting mask
o Wear a well-fitting mask, even at home, while around others for 10 days.
o If you have symptoms:
▪ Stay home until all three of these things are true:
▪ It has been five days since you first felt sick. and

• You have had no fever for at least 24 hours, without using medicine that lowers fevers. and
• You feel better.
If you do not have symptoms:
• Stay home and away from others for five days after your test date.
• If you develop symptoms, you must count your first day with symptoms as your new day zero.
After your period to stay home ends, continue to do the following for another five days:
• Continue to wear a well-fitting mask, even at home.
• Do not be around others who are at risk for getting very sick from COVID-19.
• Do not go to places where you will need to take off your mask (e.g., gyms, restaurants) and avoid eating near others at home and work.
• Avoid travel. If you must travel after your period to stay home ends, wear a well-fitting mask.
If you have symptoms:
My symptoms started on (fill in date). I feel better and have been fever-free for 24 hours. I still need to stay home and away from others through (5 days after your symptoms started). I still need to wear a mask around others and limit some activities until (10 days after symptoms started).
If you do not have symptoms:
I tested positive for COVID-19 on (fill in the date), but do not have any symptoms. I still need to stay home through (5 days after the day you got tested). I need to wear a mask around others and limit some activities until (10 days after test date).
People unable to wear a mask
This includes people under age 2, people with certain disabilities, and others who cannot consistently wear a mask around others. Stay home for at least 10 full days from when you first felt sick or the day you got tested.
People with a weakened immune system or who are severely ill
This includes people who were hospitalized or required intensive care or ventilation support and people with compromised immune systems.
Stay home for at least 10 days and up to 20 days. Consult with your health care provider.
Wear a well-fitting mask.
You may require a viral test to determine when you can be around others again.

Contact your health care provider. Call ahead. Do not use public transportation, ride-sharing (such as Uber or Lyft), or taxis if you need to go to a clinic or hospital.
If you need emergency medical attention any time during the isolation period, call 911 and let them know that you have been diagnosed with COVID-19.