Summer Travel and COVID-19
Summer is just about here in Minnesota and a lot of people hope to travel. Even as we make progress with vaccinations in places like Minnesota, a lot of virus is still circulating in the United States and across the world. Here are some things to consider before traveling.
Traveling in the United States
▪ While it is safer to travel once you are fully vaccinated, rates of COVID-19 spread are still high in the United States and in most other countries.
▪ CDC has said that if fully vaccinated people travel in the United States, they do not need to get tested before or after travel or to self-quarantine after travel. Everyone still needs to wear a mask.
▪ If it has been at least two weeks since the final dose of your vaccine, you are considered fully vaccinated.
▪ Think of ways to do small getaways locally.
▪ Remember, it is also important to be up to date on other routine vaccinations, like measles, etc. Other diseases are still here even with COVID-19 around.
▪ Ready for that summer road trip? Wait until everyone who can be vaccinated is fully vaccinated before setting off.
▪ If you travel out of state and are not vaccinated, get tested three to five days after traveling. Stay home and self-quarantine for a full seven days after travel. If your test is positive, isolate yourself to protect others from getting infected.
▪ Getting vaccinated is the best thing you can do for a safer summer. Find where you can make an appointment at State of Minnesota Find Vaccine Locations.
Traveling internationally
We continue to monitor for variants of the COVID-19 virus in Minnesota. Travel, especially international travel, can introduce variants that then spread in Minnesota communities. This is one reason CDC continues to discourage people – especially unvaccinated people – from international travel.
▪ CDC recommends delaying international travel until you are fully vaccinated. If you are fully vaccinated and need to travel internationally, you should continue to follow CDC’s recommendations for traveling safely and get tested three to five days after travel.
▪ If you are not yet fully vaccinated and you travel internationally, here is what you need to know and do:
▪ Before you travel, get tested for COVID-19 one to three days before your trip.
▪ Make sure you understand and follow all airline and destination requirements, which may differ from U.S. requirements.
▪ Check the COVID-19 situation at your destination at CDC COVID-19 Travel Recommendations by Destination.
▪ While you are traveling, mask up and practice social distancing.
▪ Wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol).
▪ After you travel, get tested three to five days after you return AND stay home and self-quarantine.
▪ If your test is positive, isolate yourself to protect others from getting infected.
▪ International travel restrictions and requirements can vary and change with the circumstances.