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Record of Vaccination

Record of vaccination (e.g., vaccination card)
You should receive a card when you get your first COVID-19 vaccine that has the vaccine product you got and the date you were vaccinated.
• The vaccine card is for your own record.
o The State of Minnesota does not require proof of vaccination for events such as traveling, concerts, or other activities. Private businesses may ask for proof of vaccination, but what forms are accepted may vary, so check with the venue or company about what is accepted before you go.
• Hold on to your vaccine card. When you get a second dose, additional dose, or booster shot, bring the card with you to your appointment so that all doses can be recorded on the same card.
o Keep your card in a safe place with your other records.
o Take a picture of your card on your phone.
o Do not laminate your card because additional doses of COVID-19 vaccine may be recommended and it is simpler to keep all the doses on one card.
If you lose your card:
• It is OK if you lose your card. If you lose it between shots, ask for a new one when you get another dose and ask them to record your previous dose(s) on it.
o Please note, the MDH does not have replacement cards and cannot combine two cards.
• You can request a copy of your immunization record, which includes similar information to the vaccine card, by using the Docket app or submitting a request to MDH. For information on how you can get your record, go to here.