Updated Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated Minnesotans (August 2021)
If you have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and it has been at least 2 weeks since the final dose of vaccine (enough time for your body to develop immunity), you have good protection against illness for yourself. Early data shows that vaccines not only prevent you from getting sick from COVID-19, they also help you from spreading it to others. However, if you are infected with the COVID-19 Delta variant you can spread the virus to others. Only a small number of people who are fully vaccinated will get sick, even with the Delta variant, and the illness is usually mild. The vaccine also greatly reduces the chance of hospitalization and death.
Because the Delta variant spreads more easily, MDH and CDC recommend everyone, both fully vaccinated and unvaccinated wear a mask:
● Indoors in public places if you are in an area of substantial or high transmission. Learn more about COVID-19 transmission rates where you live on the CDC COVID Data Tracker: COVID-19 Integrated County View.
● If you have a weakened immune system or at an increased risk for severe disease from COVID-19. People who are at increased risk for severe disease include older adults and those who have certain medical conditions such as diabetes, overweight or obesity, and heart conditions. Immunocompromised people, even if fully vaccinated, should talk to their health care providers for other specific recommendations.
● If you live or frequently interact with someone who is immunocompromised, not fully vaccinated, or at an increased risk for severe disease from COVID-19.
● In specific situations, such as schools, health care settings, correctional settings, and shelters, or businesses and communities that set their own face covering rules.
● If you travel. Follow CDC requirements and recommendations: Domestic Travel During COVID-19.
You may choose to wear a mask in any situation where it feels needed if you are fully vaccinated, regardless of whether others around you are masked.
It is still important to:
● Follow guidance specific to your workplace. If you have questions or concerns about safety in the workplace, contact MNOSHA Compliance at 651-284-5050 or osha.compliance@state.mn.us.
● Stay home and away from others if you have symptoms of COVID-19. Get tested. If you must go out (e.g., to go to a medical appointment), wear a mask. Refer to If You Are Sick: COVID-19.
● Do not visit with people who have COVID-19. If someone in your household gets sick, do your best to keep them away from others in the house. If you are fully vaccinated, you can take care of the person who is sick but try to stay 6 feet away from them as much as you can.
● Do not visit people who have had close contact to someone with COVID-19 and are in quarantine.
If someone is fully vaccinated and is exposed, they do not need to quarantine if BOTH of the following are true:
● The COVID-19 exposure was at least 14 days after their vaccination series was fully completed.
● They do not currently have any symptoms of COVID-19.
People who live or work in a health care or long-term care facility, have been vaccinated, and have a COVID-19 exposure should refer to COVID-19 Recommendations for Health Care Workers (PDF).
We will continue to evaluate these recommendations as more people in the community get vaccinated and we see how this impacts spread of disease.