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Protect Your Child from COVID-19

Protect Your Child from COVID-19
The COVID-19 vaccine is now available to children 6 months of age and older.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends vaccination of all children 6 months old and older.
COVID-19 vaccine is safe, free, and effective for children. The vaccines were studied and were shown to be safe before they were recommended for children and teens.
Just like adults, children and teens of all ages can get very sick from COVID-19, have both short- and long-term health problems, and spread COVID-19 to others.
There is no way to tell in advance how children or teens will be affected by COVID-19. Those with underlying medical conditions or who have a weakened immune system are more likely to get really sick from COVID-19. But even healthy children have gotten very sick. That’s why vaccination is so important.
Even children who have already had COVID-19 should get vaccinated because it gives added protection. It is possible to get COVID-19 more than once, and just because someone had mild disease before does not mean it would be that way again.
COVID-19 vaccine does not cause COVID-19 illness. Some side effects, like a sore arm or slight fever, are normal after a vaccination and go away after a day or two.
COVID-19 vaccine helps protect families and communities from COVID-19.
Your child will need all the recommended doses of COVID-19 vaccine for the best protection – this may include booster doses.
The vaccines for younger children are a smaller dose than the vaccines for older children and adults. The size of the vaccine dose is based on the child’s age, not their size or weight.
If your child has a health care provider, they can provide more information and help you schedule all recommended doses while getting the first dose. Children can get COVID-19 vaccine and other vaccines they need at the same visit.
If your child doesn’t have a health care provider, you can visit for more information and to search for vaccine locations near you. The Minnesota Department of Health COVID-19 hotline is also available to answer questions, and people are available to speak to you in many languages.