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COVID-19 Vaccines for Children Under 5 Part 1

COVID-19 Vaccines for Children Under 5 Part 1
Vaccines now recommended for children 6 months to 5 years old
• Federal health officials now recommend COVID-19 vaccines for all children 6 months and older. Parents and families can now choose to extend strong protection to our littlest Minnesotans.
• The COVID-19 vaccine is safe, effective, and will help keep kids out of the hospital.
• The COVID-19 vaccine is free for all Minnesotans.
• Two vaccines have been authorized for this age group:
o The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children 6 months through 4 years old is a three-dose series.
 The second dose is at least three weeks later; the third dose is at least eight weeks after that.
o The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for children 6 months through 5 years old is a two-dose series.
 The second dose is at least four weeks later.
• It is critical to get all recommended doses for maximum protection.
• Initial demand is expected to be high, and families wishing to get the vaccine in a specific location – such as through their family pediatrician – may need to wait several weeks until appointments are available.
o Providers can be found using the Find Vaccine Locations map, which will be updated as vaccines arrive in Minnesota. Initially, appointments may be limited.
• Minnesota providers can begin administering vaccines once the federal government ships doses to providers. First doses are expected to arrive the week of June 20.
Where Minnesotans can find a vaccine for children
• Families can do the following to find shots:
o Contact your or your child’s primary health care provider or a local pharmacy.
o Use the state’s Find Vaccine Locations map to find vaccine providers near you.
 The state’s community vaccination site at the Mall of America will be offering Pfizer vaccines to people 6 months of age and older. Appointments are required for children 6 months to 5 years. Find appointments beginning Monday at COVID-19 Community Vaccination Program. Families can all get vaccinated at the same time.
 Parents can also visit for more information.
o Check for vaccine appointments at, where you can search for appointments by vaccine type (e.g., Pfizer).
o Watch for vaccination clinics being offered at other community locations around Minnesota.
• The Walz-Flanagan Administration has mobilized a network of providers to offer the vaccine to families.
o More than 320 primary care providers, pediatric and family medicine offices, Federally Qualified Health Centers, local public health agencies, tribal health offices, and Indian Health Service locations report that they will offer the vaccine to children between six months and five years old.
o At least 44 Minute Clinic locations around Minnesota say they will vaccinate children between 18 months and five years old.
o At least 50 Minnesota pharmacies say they will vaccinate children between 3 years old and five years old.
o The state’s Community Vaccination location at the Mall of America will begin administering the vaccine as soon as Wednesday, June 22. Initially, appointments will be required for this age group. Find appointments beginning at COVID-19 Community Vaccination Program. MOA can vaccinate all age groups, and families can all get vaccinated at once.
o To expand equal access to the vaccine, 21 COVID-19 Community Coordinators will host vaccination clinics for children under 5 in communities around Minnesota in the weeks ahead.
o The Minnesota Department of Health is partnering with Children’s Minnesota to host weekly vaccination clinics at four Children’s clinic locations in the metro: West Saint Paul, Brooklyn Park, Minneapolis, and Saint Paul. All families, including those who are not Children’s patients, are welcome.