The COVID-19 vaccine is free.
You can get the vaccine no matter if you have insurance or what your immigration status is.
The COVID-19 vaccine is safe.
It has gone through all the same safety steps of any other vaccine.
The COVID-19 vaccine works.
The vaccine is very good at protecting people from COVID-19 disease. If you do get sick with COVID- 19 after being vaccinated, the vaccine will help protect you from getting very sick or having to go to the hospital. It takes two weeks after your second dose in a two-dose series or first dose in a one- dose series to build up protection against COVID-19. After those two weeks, you are fully vaccinated. The person who gives you the vaccine can tell you how many doses of vaccine you need and when to get them. This could include a third dose or booster dose. It is important to get the doses you need for the best protection.