COVID-19 Vaccine Basics part 1
COVID-19 vaccines are safe and work.
A vaccine is designed to prevent diseases. COVID-19 vaccines tell your body how to recognize and fight the virus that causes COVID-19. COVID-19 vaccines cannot give you COVID-19. COVID-19 vaccines help protect you from COVID-19 disease.
If you do get sick with COVID-19 after being vaccinated, it is less likely that you will get very sick or have to go to the hospital. Everyone age 6 months and older should get vaccinated.
The COVID-19 vaccines were carefully tested in a diverse group before being authorized for emergency use. Tens of thousands of Black, Latinx, American Indian, and Asian people participated in the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccine studies. We know that these communities, along with our disability and LGBTQ+ communities, are often excluded from the benefits of medicine and experience ongoing and historical racism, medical trauma, and abuse. These factors worsen the impact of COVID-19 for these communities and emphasize the importance that the vaccine works and is safe for all.
No safety steps were skipped in the making of the COVID-19 vaccines. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) required safety data for the vaccines to be authorized. Additionally, medical researchers continue to monitor the vaccines for safety.
Why should you get the COVID-19 vaccine?
• Protect yourself from severe COVID-19 and long-term impacts of COVID-19.
• Help us put an end to the pandemic.
• Support your community. Protect those who cannot be vaccinated (very young children) or do not respond well to vaccination (those with weakened immune systems).
• Vaccine is FREE for everyone. Insurance and immigration status does not matter.
• Preservatives
• Pork products or gelatin
• Egg
• COVID-19 live virus
Who can get the vaccine?
All Minnesotans age 6 months and older are recommended to get vaccinated.
For tips on making an appointment, visit COVID-19 Vaccine for Children and Teens ( vaxforkids/) or to find a vaccine location visit Find My Vaccine