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A Deaf Person at MN State Fairgrounds Vaccination Site

Interpreter: Im asking if you have an appointment?

Tim: Yes I have an appointment. I need to know where to go to get my vaccine.

Interpreter: Yes, do you have any special needs or help with moving?

Tim: I am deaf, I need an ASL interpreter.

interpreter: perfect, I can provide an interpreter.

People in orange vest will show you where to park.

Tim: okay.

Interpreter: Please go to the white tent.

Yes, when you go in, have your phone ready. It will be explained in there.

Interpreter: Your name?

Interpreter: Do you have COVID yourself or been in touch with people who has?

Interpreter: Stay seated and open your door. Your card will be given to you with your name and 2nd appointment date. Are you ready for the shot?Tim: Yes

Interpreter: Good morning. Please park in the parking lot for 15 minutes. If you feel sick or something is wrong, please honk and we will come with assistance. When your 15 minutes is up, you can go. Have a good day.

Tim: Thank you, bye.