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Frequently Asked Questions: At-Home Rapid Antigen Test Initiative

Frequently Asked Questions: At-Home Rapid Antigen Test Initiative
About the initiative
Why is Minnesota providing free, at-home, rapid antigen tests?
To help keep communities healthy and slow the spread of COVID-19, the Minnesota Department of Health has partnered with local public health agencies, tribal health, food shelves, and community-based organizations to provide 150,000 free, at-home, rapid tests to communities they serve at specified pick-up locations.
How do I find out if I can pick up rapid tests near me?
Organizations will let communities know about available at-home rapid antigen tests and pick-up opportunities.
Does the test cost me anything?
No. These at-home rapid antigen tests are free. There are no copays or fees. They are only available through designated partners at specified pick-up locations. The pick-up location or a person distributing kits will let you know this is free.
Do I need insurance or identification?
No. You will not be asked for proof of insurance. You will not be asked for identification, immigration status, or for any personal documents.
Do I need a doctor’s note or prescription?
No. You also do not need to visit a doctor or see a health care provider before you pick up a test kit.
Will you get more tests?
We currently have 150,000 at-home rapid antigen test kits available. We will continue to assess impact and explore similar opportunities.
Will data be collected through this program?
No. There is not a reporting portal to collect or confirm self-administered rapid tests. The results from these rapid tests will not be included in Minnesota COVID-19 data.
How long will the kits be available?
Until all test kits are distributed to communities. Kit do not need to be used by a certain date, but distribution partners should give out kits by January 31, 2022.
I used my test already. Can I get another kit?
The free at-home rapid antigen test kits are limited to one per household member (up to 10 per household).
Can you reimburse me for a test kit I purchase?
No. Test kits must be given to you from a designated pick-up location.
What do I do if I have questions?
If you have questions about how to use your QuickVue test kit, go to QuickVue At-Home ( For other questions related to COVID-19, call the Minnesota Department of Health COVID-19 Public Hotline at 1-833-431-2053, open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
About the test kits
What kind of tests are the at-home tests?
QuickVue rapid antigen test kits. Each test kit contains two tests which should be taken by the same person over two to three days. Follow testing instructions from the manufacturer. If you have symptoms, the test can quickly tell whether you have COVID-19. You can do the nasal swab test anywhere and get results in about 10 minutes.
Who can use the QuickVue rapid antigen test?
The QuickVue rapid antigen test can be used by anyone age two and older. Tests are prioritized for people with higher risk or who face other barriers to testing, such as challenges affording over-the-counter rapid antigen tests. Families can get one kit per family member with a limit of up to 10.
When should I use the QuickVue rapid antigen test?
You can use your QuickVue test at any time. The Minnesota Department of Health recommends testing if:
 You are feeling symptoms of COVID-19
 You had a close contact with someone who has COVID-19
 You are testing before going to a large gathering
If you are getting tested but do not have symptoms, please refer to the QuickVue instructions.
How do I use the test kit?
The QuickVue test works in five steps. Please follow the full directions found in the test kit package. You can take the test anywhere on a flat surface. Follow the directions found in the test kit package.

Why are there two tests in the kit?
Each test kit contains two tests which should be taken over a short period of time. Please follow the full directions found in the test kit package.
This is because you can test negative if you take the test too early in your infection, and not enough virus was present for the test to detect it. Taking two tests over time can help make sure you check at the right time.
About test results
What if I have symptoms but test negative with the QuickVue test?
Even with a negative rapid test result, someone who has symptoms should take a PCR COVID-19 test and should not return to regular activity until symptoms have improved for 24 hours. If you have questions about your symptoms, contact a doctor or health care provider.
What if I test positive with QuickVue test?
If you test positive, stay home and away from others. Follow the public health guidance about what to do if you are sick (
If you have symptoms, contact a doctor or health care provider. If you are positive, you should also inform your contacts. Close contacts are people who have been within 6 feet from you for at least 15 minutes, starting two days before you started showing symptoms or your test was positive. You should also notify your employer, school, or child care as appropriate.
Can the QuickVue test kits be used to shorten quarantine?
Yes. Learn more about shortened quarantine (